Sunday, January 16, 2022

virus 342 Koruna

 It is what it is, the viiirus!

It works like this! exactly! Mendelian system in action!

and it started from here, in Czecho!! 
(virüs bodrum yardımcı çamaşırhane giriş kapısı aydınlatma armatürlerinde gizlidir!)
always check the impedance of the capacitance-based transducers installed in low-voltage systems and high humidity environments!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Flat Earth Theory Supported By Theoretical Application of Euler-Lagrangian Equations For Motion on Flat Manifold

A (pseudo) Riemannian manifold is conformally flat manifold if each point has a neighborhood that can be mapped to flat space by a conformal transformation. Therefore, 


f(R, x, y, z)= dR(cos x, sin x) (cos y, sin y) (cos z, sin z)

Given that the Schrodinger equation states that a particle can be found an infinite distance away from its "center".

For position measurements, the probability amplitude for measuring a particle to be at position x is |ψ(x)|2, where ψ(x) is typically called the "wave function" defined by

if dx is substituted in the x variables of the f, then we see that the gravitation, inter particular or single point, makes sense only for planar geometry.

(Kobane Ulusal Parçacık Araştırma ve Hesaplama Merkezi'ndeki çalışmaya dayalı olarak)

Dünyanın insanları ne kadar komikler, dini bir belgeyi Yunancaya, sonra Latinceye, sonra modern dillere yanlış tercüme ediyorlar ve sadece cahil tercümanları kutsallaştırmak istiyorlar.