Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Those Buzzing Compare To You. Snape O'Honor

 All superpowers are lost in the maze

Since you shook your glove and stayed
Ice cold I share a light and ship old hay
Since your cook caught SARS and prayed
Since your beans one can is all I want
He buys seeds and willow trees are loose
One canned dinner for a lunar immigrant
Butt buzzing
And buzzing can blow away the fumes
Those buzzing still flares
The buzzing still leaks the fumes
Canteen and elm trees and Richard Gere
Write a cord to silly song
Buzzing should top these records calling
Call me maybe, where I keep my gong
My bank, shut white farms around by pope's holy see
Buzz ate all rinds of fruit
It sent the tractor and gas can, it flowed free?
Gas can, it flowed free!
It sent URL your letter fly to the sun
No letter watch Ski-doo, buzz is good food!
Cows buzzing still flares

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